The End Times From a Hebraic Perspective

The End Times From a Hebraic Perspective
Most Christians know about the End Times from popular books and Bible teachers. But how many of those End Times teachings come from a Hebraic, or Jewish, perspective?
In this series you will learn how the first and second coming of Jesus is tied to God's biblical feasts of Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. You will learn who the "players" are in the End Times drama and how you are part of the "cast". And you will discover how America is connected to Israel in the End of Days.
This six-week series is dedicated to the memory of my mother. She had a great love of End Time Prophecy and was very excited to hear I was teaching this series. I know she is cheering me on from heaven. This is for you Mom!
Click on each link below for our video teaching:
003 - The Fullness of the Gentiles Pt 1
004 - The Fullness of the Gentiles Pt 2
005 - America the Endtime Vineyard
006 - The Mystery of the Shmittah - Coming soon!