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Blood Moons Update Conference

The Blood Moons of 2014-2015 created quite a sensation in the church. Many people understood this phenomenon to be a sign of the End Times, but weren't sure what these signs in the heavens signified. The Blood Moons Conference addressed the event from a Hebraic perspective, and was the basis for our What In The World Is Happening series. Although Rich DelPrior has since gone home to be with Lord, his teachings are still relevant today.  (To watch the video, click on the title or picture of each teaching)

Session One: Friday night, October 23, 2015


Blood Moons Update - What in the World is Happening? -  by Teresa Bruce

   (Note: this is the complete teaching of Blood Moons Revisited)

The Blood Moons have come and gone. Many people were expecting an Event to occur, such as the return of Yeshuah (Jesus) or the Rapture. But what if these Blood Moons were not warning us of an Event, but of a Period of Time? In this session, we will discuss current events in relationship to the Blood Moons and End Time prophecy.

The War Has Begun - by Rich Del Priore

We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Body of the Messiah. Not only is the physical Temple and God's holy city Jerusalem under attack, but the Temple of His body is also under attack by the enemy. How do we prepare for the increasing persecution against Believers? In this session, we will learn "spiritual preparedness" for the coming days.

Session Two: Saturday afternoon, October 24, 2015

The Four Horses of Revelation -  by Teresa Bruce

There is a large body of teaching available about the Four Horses of Revelation. In this session, we will look at the Four Horses and their riders from the original Hebrew and Greek to see if we can find parallels in current world events. (Hint: yes, we can!)


Part One

Part Two

Workshop: Practical Preparedness - Scott Bruce and Mark Frassica

The Blood Moons are warning us of a Period of Time.  "Preppers" and "Conspiracy Theorists” are predicting gloom and doom. But God wants us to be informed and ready for what lies ahead. Join Scott and Mark for a factual discussion of political, social, environmental and financial trends in the US and the World. We will be looking at the period from the year 2000 to the present. We will also explore possibilities for the future from 2015 to the year 2030.


Part One - Scott Bruce

In this Saturday afternoon workshop of the Blood Moons Update Conference, Scott helps us to understand the social, political and environmental trends of today, as they relate to biblical prophecy.





Part Two - Mark Frassica

In this second half of the workshop, Mark explains financial trends, including what led to the 2008 financial crash, and the current global financial situation.

Session Three: Saturday evening, October 24, 2015


Unity - Rich Del Priore

Our God is into unity. Yeshua is into unity. He taught that He and the Father were one, and that we as His body should also be one. The enemy's tactic is to divide and conquer - but we have the ability to conquer the enemy through Unity! (Note: this video has been edited for time.)


The Warrior Bride - Teresa Bruce

We have not been called to be a timid Bride, or a sleeping Bride. YHVH has called us to be a Warrior Bride who fights for our families and our God. In this closing session, Teresa encourages us to be armed and ready for the coming of our Messiah, living a life of faith and courage.


Click here for a PDF version of the Power Point slides for this conference.

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